Saturday, April 05, 2008

CORRECTION: New NMCCA and Navy-Marine Corps Trial Judiciary Chief Judges

We have received a correction from an anonymous poster: Captain MacKenzie is the new Chief Judge of the Trial Judiciary (apparently replacing Col Day). Captain O'Toole is the new NMCCA Chief Judge.

(We saw the invitation for the NMCCA Chief Judge's investiture, but it didn't actually identify who the new Chief Judge is. We were advised, apparently erroneously, that it was CAPT MacKenzie.)

Thanks for the correction, anonymous correcting person.


Dwight Sullivan said...

The Kabul Klipper pronounces himself appalled -- yes, appalled -- at my lack of situational awareness.

ThisCharmingMan said...

Correct on the two judges. As you know, the Trial Judiciary usually swaps between a Marine and Navy 0-6 about every 2-3 years. This should not be confused with the recent announcement of a "Chief Judge" who would retire as a one star. That position has not been named as of yet and would not be the same position as the Chief Judge of the Trial Judiciary or NMCCA. There does seem to be an abundance of chiefs...