Wednesday, September 12, 2007

USNI good news and USNI bad news - UPDATED!

First the good news: the U.S. Naval Institute has granted CAAFlog permission to reproduce Baltimore Sun (or Sunpapers to Bawlmer area residents) reporter Bradley Olson's recent Proceedings piece about the Owens case. We should be posting a link shortly. NOW AVAILABLE HERE at

Now the bad news: the USNI has asked me to announce that its bookstore in Preble Hall has been permanently closed. I guess that ever since I mentioned the bookstore over the weekend, impatient CAAFlog readers have been storming Preble Hall in search of the latest edition of Proceedings. CAAFlog regrets the error and hopes that no visitors to the United States Naval Academy Museum (which I am assuming still is in Preble Hall) were inconvenienced by the throng of Proceedings seekers.

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