Friday, January 19, 2007

Show me the numbers

OK, I can take a hint. Two hints, as a matter of fact. So, I followed the "so easy a caveman can use it" link to the AFCCA, only to find the day's equivalent of Ye Olde Rubber Stamp. Which got me to pondering, as I do most Friday nights, why don't the Annual Reports -- the format for which seems to have remained unchanged since 1984 -- tell us just a wee bit more about appeals than simply the CCA workload? How about outcome? If the TJAG's are tasked with reporting the number of acquittals and the number of cases where relief was denied in an Article 69 review, why not report the percentage of CCA cases where relief was granted? Some relief. Any relief. Certainly such information would be of more interest to those who read the Annual Report in the MJ's than the number of Article 138 complaints filed in any given year.

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