Tuesday, February 03, 2009

CAAF posts Judicial Conference schedule & a CAAFlog contest

CAAF has posted its Judicial Conference schedule. Here's a link. But three of the blocks on the first day remain either unfilled or veiled (in a couple of instances, it isn't clear which).

Here's the CAAFlog contest:

The first person to correctly guess the identities of Senior Administration Official No. 1 and Senior Administration Official No. 2 wins a CAAFlog t-shirt. Please post your entries below.


Mike "No Man" Navarre said...

Amazing, absolutely nothing of interest to me this year. Tell me readers, should I attend early on Mar. 4, 2009 in hopes of seeing Eric Holder or Hillary Clinton?

Anonymous said...

Or Neal Katyal?

But, I agree No Man, for a CAAF CLE, it's pretty thin, especially on MJ issues.

Anonymous said...

I think it will be Richardson and Daschle, oops, maybe not.

Can't wait to hear the Canadian lecture us on military justice.

Phil Cave said...

Robert Gates.

If I want to be "interested" then the program could be interesting. However, if I don't want to take two work days off . . . ?

I do see potential in the ethics portion.

It's cheap compared to most CLE events I go to.

How's that for ambiguity.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with No Man. Nothing of substance on military justice or appellate advocacy. No reason to attend this year, unless Senior Admin Official No. 1 was President Obama. And that is a fat chance.

My picks are Holder and Gates. Neither can offer much that hasn't been already reported. So it would just be a photo op for the CAAF judges.

Anonymous said...

George Piro and Rick Atkinson aren't lawyers. No CLE credit there.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to inviting Dwight Sullivan and Stephen Saltzburg? They were always the highlights of the show. Perhaps this conference has run its course. The JAG school at C-ville puts on a much better and substantive military justice update CLE. Why don't the CAAF judges ever give a presentation or sit on a panel and take questions?

John O'Connor said...

I'll go with Katyal and Holder.

Anonymous said...

If either Mrs. Holder or Katyal are attending then they are not focusing on GTMO. It's been nearly 3 weeks since the 120 day pause. Anyone heard anything?

Anonymous said...

How about the new AG and the new DOD GC?

egn said...

I'm thinking Jeh Johnson, the new DOD GC, and perhaps Katyal. Or maybe they're inviting Susan Crawford back just for old times' sake.

Any guesses on who received the "invitation pending"?